Georgina Walsh Business Coaching

…strategies for success

Georgina's Blog

Running for my flight

Posted by January 20th, 2015

ArrivalsIt’s a quick one today as I’m literally about to head off to the airport to catch a flight to London. I’ve got three days there, running a number of Fast Track Sessions, helping my clients plan a bumper year. I can’t wait.  Working with great clients and also catching up with friends…….and maybe just a wee bit of checking out the January sales too.

Do you concentrate on building a business that delivers the WAY of living that you want, not just the financial living you want?

4 years ago I hated my work trips to England, they were far too frequent, sometimes twice in one week, working for corporate clients on big projects which drained me. So I screeched on the brakes and made some big changes.  I wanted to work with smaller businesses or individuals, and I wanted to use more of my advertising and marketing background, not just my business psychology.

I took a deep breath, a dip in earnings and went for it.  I now have increased earnings, but more importantly I’m doing work, and living life, in a way that energies rather than drains. My clients are small business owners or executive coaching clients, and I’ve kept just one corporate client that I’ve always enjoyed working with, Oxford University.

It’s as important to work out what you don’t want as much as what you do want. Here are some questions to help you ensure your business and life work together and energise you:

  • What do you want more of in your life and in your business? And what do you want less of?
  • What is the main group of customers you want to be working with?
  • What product or service do you want to be providing them with? And what are the things you don’t want to be doing for them?
  • What do you need to do to get more of the right types of customers?
  • What is the one BIG change you would love to make, so you have a great life and business?
  • Now create a change ladder – rather than trying to make lots of changes immediately, plan them over time:
    • What do you want to have achieved by Easter?
    • And then by the summer? (Or winter for my readers in the Southern Hemisphere)
    • And by the end of the year?

Oh, cripes, look at the time, gotta fly….!
Until next time!

Super Boost Your Business in A Day

Posted by January 8th, 2015


Swan Lake SmTwo  pictures taken from my office. What a difference. One day green fields, the next after lots (and lots) of rain, a serene lake complete with our very own swans – where do the swans come from? They turn up every time!

Such is the difference a day in the Irish countryside can make.  This got me thinking about the big difference you can make to your business in a day.  Not every day, but in a super-boosted super-focused day.

I often do Fast Track Days with my clients; rather than working over 3 or 6 months, we put our heads together virtually or face-to-face for a concentrated morning or day.  Big steps are taken, big ideas born. Taking time out to think about things in a different way makes a huge difference, thoughts build on each other giving amazing leaps and bounds.

Why don’t you plan your own Fast Track Day?  If you haven’t read it already, you might like use a Fast Track Session to work through my E-book 7 Simple Steps to Move Your Business Up a Gear. Download your free copy here.

Whatever you decide to do, here are some guidelines:

  • Start by shaping or updating your vision; not just for your business but for the life you want to lead around it.
  • Focus your planning around your target customer, the type you like to work with the most, put everyone else out of your mind.
  • Keep your brand in mind at all times; what are the three key things you want to be known for?
  • Create simple exercises or highlight areas you want to think through. Think outside the box, nothing is sacred. What would you do if you knew you could not fail, if money was no object, if you approached it all in a completely different way?
  • Be disciplined and make sure you work through all your proposed areas – including areas you have been avoiding due to fear, lack of confidence or of time.
  • Give yourself quite a few breaks; it can be during these breaks that a big thought suddenly appears.
  • Finish off by setting goals; big goals that excite you, but not so unrealistic you know that you won’t work to achieve them.

So whilst I and my temporary swans enjoy the lake until the flood waters recede, have a think about when you could schedule your Fast Track Day, and how you’ll power pack it to make a real difference.