Georgina Walsh Business Coaching

…strategies for success

Blog > The Stress of being an Information Magpie

Posted by September 22nd, 2017

Are You a Magpie? Do you pick up every nugget or bit of shiny information that will help you and your business go further?

Like me, do you find that you can go over the top and gather up too much information, too many interesting articles and subscribe to too many sites?

This leads me to never manage to work through or implement everything I have collected.  The pile on my desk, and the pile sitting in my computer weigh on mind, clamouring for my attention, and often not receiving it.

So I have developed a simple way of gathering and using information; my On Off strategy.  I have a four month period when I magpie away to my heart’s content. Subscribing, downloading, collecting lots of ideas and inspiration to help my business along.  I then enter the ‘Off’ period of my strategy. I send the magpie on holiday and have four months when I don’t collect, download or subscribe.  (At times it can take some constraint to resist temptation!)

I then use the time to ingest, reflect and put to use everything I collected in the previous few months. Much better than collecting and never implementing.

Give it a go and let me know how you get on!