Georgina Walsh Business Coaching

…strategies for success

Georgina's Blog

Spring Forward

Posted by February 12th, 2020

It’s the first day of Spring with sunshine breaking through the clouds and some furious nest building in the trees outside my window.

Spring is my absolute favourite season,  full of promise, green shoots, new ideas and growth.

Are you ready to use the change in season to Spring Forward?

What better way to do that with some Big Hairy Goals to really push you into a big spring forward. Big Hairy Goals are the sort that feel rather daunting but you’d be so thrilled to achieve:

  • What Big Hairy Goals would you like to achieve in the longer term either 1,3, 5, or 10 years time?
  • To achieve those longer term goals what Big Hairy Goals would you like to achieve by the end of this year?
  • To achieve those  end of year goals what Big Hairy Goals would you like to achieve by the end of Spring / beginning of Summer?

Once you’ve got your goals make sure you put them into action – no procrastination! In thinking how to achieve them here are some things to ask yourself:

  • What is the main habit that slows your productivity – how could you lose that habit forever?
  • What could you turn on its head and approach how you do something in a totally different way?
  • How would your mindset or actions be different if you had nothing to prove or nothing to lose?

Get out of your comfort zone, get Big and Hairy and go for it…..and enjoy the results of Springing Forward!

Are You Crossing the Knowing – Doing Gap?

Posted by October 11th, 2019

Do you find that whilst you are really, really busy doing a lot, you never quite getting round to the bigger projects or ideas that you know you need to do?

If so, you may not be bridging the ‘Knowing – Doing Gap’ (Pferrer & Sutton). You KNOW what you need to do, for example, re-design your website, get a new project underway, de-clutter your office, but you never seem to quite get round to the DOING.

….it is quite simply a lack of time, isn’t it? However, in looking at why people have difficulty in crossing this gap Pferrer and Sutton don’t identify time issues.

…maybe it’s a lack of knowledge or information? In the times we live in we are falling over knowledge and information on how to do things – but all the knowledge in the world is useless  you put it into action and use.

… and maybe you feel you are doing it – but things just don’t seem to be moving forward in the way you would like.  Often we can feel we are taking action, but in reality we are doing things such as, planning, discussing and making decisions – but these are not action!

So, what is it that stops us from making that leap from knowing to doing? In many instances it can be something within ourselves – either fear or a lack of confidence that is holding us back.  We can then tend to turn these inner feelings into assumptions.

For example, one of my clients knew she needed to do a new business drive, but as many of you would agree, picking up the phone to contact people you don’t know or don’t know well is a daunting task. She was failing to cross from knowing what she needed to do to actually doing it. Her fear and lack of confidence turned into the assumption that many others would be chasing these prospective clients and as a result she would be seen as an annoyance if she contacted them. 

We worked together to challenge this assumption and give her the confidence to pick up the phone.  As a result she has met with quite a few prospects, started to build new relationships and of course has gained some new business.  Whilst others in her shoes are still sitting on the other side of the Knowing Doing gap and finding reasons not to pick up the phone.

So here are my questions for you –

•        What do I need to do that I am not doing?

•        What is holding me back? Is it fear, a lack of confidence, or both? What assumptions am I making?

•        What do I need to do or tell myself to overcome that fear, lack of confidence and/or assumption?

•        Lastly, what specific actions do I then need to take to jump over that Knowing – Doing gap?

Have you got 2 minutes now? Make your plan with a pen and paper (or ipad!) right now – what will you do and by when to get you over that gap and moving forward? 

Let me know how you get on, I would love to hear from you!

The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action, Jeffrey Pfeffer , Robert Sutton

Do You Have ANTs?

Posted by June 3rd, 2019

They pop up suddenly in your head and scurry around like crazy. ANTs, otherwise known as Automatic Negative Thoughts, can distort and derail your thoughts and therefore your actions. The more negative thoughts you have the more chemicals you produce that make you feel sad or stressed….which can lead to even more negative thoughts.

If you are suffering from a lot of ANTs, you are unlikely to be able to move forwards with enthusiasm or ease, they can really hold you back.

They can be sneaky too – they appear without warning, and seem so plausible at the time that it’s hard to argue against them. BUT you can, and you must. Ridding yourself of ANTs makes your head a much nicer (and more productive!) place.

The first thing to do is acknowledge some of the ANTs you have; You may find thoughts that include “I’ll never be able to…” “I always do badly at….” “Everyone else is better than me at….” “It will never work…..” Write them down to get them out of your head and help you look at them in more detail.
Then acknowledge the affect they have on you; What is this ANT costing you in terms of work, life, happiness, productivity, relationships with others?
Learn to recognise them and eliminate them; You want to get into a positive spiral of thoughts and moods, not a negative one. Some questions to help you zap away those pesky ANTs are:
– Is this really true?
– What is the evidence?
– Am I exaggerating?
– So what if it does happen?
– What other ways can I look at this?
– What would I do/ could I achieve if I didn’t have this thought?
– What can I say to myself each time these thoughts come to me?
– How can I reward myself for zapping them away?

I hope your bug control goes well! Keep working at it and you will find you have less and less ANTs to deal with, helping you to feel both happier and more productive.

January is for Planning….February is for Action!

Posted by February 5th, 2019

Do you get all fired up at the beginning of January to make the coming year a brilliant one?  Lots of plans, bright ideas and enthusiasm?

Yesterday, I spoke to two people who were just like this.  But everyday business and life had begun to swallow up their bumper-year plans.  They were in danger of not prioritising and getting new things done.  The result; a similar year to last year, good but not great, when they really wanted their year to be bigger, better and brighter.  Does your January run in a similar vein?

So I helped them get their bumper-year planning finished, and they’re now ready for Action:

If you need to get ready for action and shake up your year, here are some pointers:

  • Get your planning done! Be strong, be selfish and carve out the time you need.
  • Get it done this week, by the end of next at the latest.
  • Create your goals for the year.
  • Then break those down into goals for each quarter.
  • Then concentrate on a bit of micro-planning so you get some good momentum going. Break down what you want to achieve each week for the next month.  Be clear and specific and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Then it’s time for ACTION – particularly anything new and different you want to achieve.
  • Think about the resources you need.
  • Include in this the mindset you need – this is crucial and will make all the difference!  How do you need to think differently so you really excel this year?
  • And the support you need – again, this is so important, from simple accountability to expert knowledge and guidance.
  • Get this all in place as soon as you can and get going – no excuses!

Wishing you a fantastic and bumper year!

How to Set and Achieve Your Goals

Posted by January 8th, 2019

Welcome to a guest blog from Fred Stuvek JR, author of It Starts With You, Turn Your Goals into Success.  I hope it helps you to get your year off to a fantastic start! :

Each year millions of us start the year with one or more resolutions or goals.  While these resolutions are made with the best of intentions over 80% of the people who make them will fail to keep them, with most of them falling by the wayside within a month or two. Many of you reading this have likely had similar experiences.  The reasons for this are manifold, however, this break down or failure essentially comes down to five factors – motivation, goal setting, mindset, habits, and discipline. If you are cognizant of these factors, address them upfront, and follow through your prospects are immeasurably increased.  Continue reading if you want to know WHY this is important, WHAT you need to do, and HOW you need to do it.

Motivation – The first question you have to ask yourself is why are you setting these goals, why is it important to you, and how will it make a difference in your life? Whimsically establishing a few goals without looking beyond the reasons for it and the desired impact on your life is a formula for failure.  The goals you establish should be internally driven and established by you, not by external forces.  The more you define the benefits of achieving these goals the greater your prospects for success as you envision the broader implications.  For example, you may decide to take a course in a certain area to broaden your knowledge or expand your education.  The benefits are you will learn something, expand your expertise, keep yourself sharp, and force you to adopt good habits which will carry over into other areas – all of which will serve as a catalyst for advancement in your professional life and enrichment in your personal life.  As another example, you may set a goal of losing weight.  When doing so consider the implications and the myriad benefits.  You will feel better, look better, be healthier, and have more energy which will convey a more positive self-image and enhance your non-verbal communication. It will also result in others gaining more confidence in you as you are seen as someone who can achieve their goals and get results.  Realizing the positive impact achieving your goals will have in these various aspects will instill a greater belief in what you are doing, thus increasing your resolve and motivation.

Goal Setting – You are likely familiar with the acronym SMART as it pertains to goal setting i.e., specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-related. Every single aspect applies when setting your goals for the new year, however, you need to go further and dig deeper.  One of the mistakes many people make when establishing goals of this nature is that they are so sweeping, broad in nature, and aggressive that they over reach and set themselves up for failure.  Once you have a certain goal in mind develop a realistic understanding of the various actions which are involved to get there and the associated timeframe.  Understand it is not one thing but a series of actions, over time, that will get you there.  Break your goal down into smaller, more measurable steps called objectives with timelines or milestones attached to them.  Having a series of short-term objectives which you achieve that are associated with a long-term goal reinforces the fact that you are making progress, albeit one step at a time, all of which reinforces your behavior as these small wins mount up into a great victory.

Mindset – The body follows the mind, if the mind is strong the body will be strong. For this to happen you have to have a firm belief in what you are doing and the associated benefits. Don’t go into this thinking it is going to be a walk in the park.  Understand it will take time and effort, there will be setbacks, but vow to yourself to stay the course. Be determined, resolute, and 100% committed.  Change your vocabulary.  You no longer “think” you can do it, you “know” you can do it.  This isn’t something you “should” do, it is something you “will” do. Do not allow yourself to opt out just because things aren’t going the way you want them. Remain undeterred by the naysayers or negative minded individuals who offer their rationale as to why you will not be successful.  And last, but not least, ditch the excuses.

Habits – If nothing changes, nothing changes.  The reason you are making this resolution is because of bad habits.  To do this requires a change in behavior, and if you are not ready to change, you are ready to fail since only a change in behavior will enable you to reach your goal. Stay focused on what you want to do and what you need to do to achieve your goals.  Putting your goals in writing and reviewing progress on a regular basis is not optional, it is mandatory, as these actions reinforce behavior and ingrain the process into your memory.  Take a look at those activities and habits that contribute towards attainment of your goal.  Conversely, be cognizant of those activities which detracts you from those activities which are necessary to attain your goal, such as social media.  Associate with those people who are supportive of your goals, even sharing it with them, as if they are truly friends, they will be supportive of your cause and offer encouragement.  Moreover, by sharing your goal with others it helps infuse you with a greater degree of accountability since others are aware of and supportive of what you are doing.  The more allies you have, the greater the prospects for victory.

Discipline – Discipline is the soul of your journey. You will never achieve your goals without discipline.  Discipline will enable you to remain steadfast and resolute and give you the will to take the necessary actions and adhere to the regimen required to achieve your goals. A lack of discipline will result in excuses and allow you to become easily distracted or dissuaded from doing what is necessary to achieve success.  Once you have defined what you want to do and why you want to do it you have to develop a routine that is supportive of you attaining your goal.  Stick with this routine and make the commitment to follow through.  Over time this new regimen will become ingrained as small successes mount up, bad habits are abandoned, good habits are developed, and you are in control.

Now you have an understanding of the basic factors which all come into play when one sets goals and moves forward to achieve them.  However, let’s drill down into this even further and go step by step to better define the process for you and give you a roadmap.

  • Establish Three Goals

Why three?  Everything you do affects another area of your life, directly or indirectly, just succeeding in one area does not bring real change.  So, give some thought as to what areas of your life you would like to change taking into account both your professional and personal life.  Consider these points:

  1. Why is it important to you?
  2. What is the desired end result?
  3. Set both extrinsic and intrinsic goals to achieve a proper balance.
  4. Ensure the goals are realistic and attainable with a degree of challenge.
  5. Assign timelines to these goals.
  • Alignment Assessment

Your goals should be conducive to your lifestyle, work hours, habits, and personal life.  If you set goals which require time you don’t have available or are out of sync with your lifestyle or routine you are merely setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.  These points should be questioned:

  1. Do these goals align with who you are and what you want to be?
  2. Are these goals consistent with your values?
  3. Are you striking the proper balance so you do not overtly neglect one area in your pursuit of these goals?
  4. Do you have people around you who are supportive of you attaining these goals as it is difficult to go it alone?
  5. Are you truly motivated and committed to attaining these goals since half-measures or partial commitment will not get you there?
  • Development and Definition

In pursuit of your three goals what specific actions must you take towards attainment of your goals?  Visualize your desired outcome and do the following:

  1. List the actions you will have to take for each goal.
  2. Assign objectives or milestones for each goal.
  3. Put timelines associated with each objective or milestone understanding that the sum total of meeting these objectives all contribute towards achieving your goal.
  4. Anticipate the obstacles you will overcome and how you will deal with them.
  5. Ensure they are realistic and attainable, but not without challenge since meeting these challenges will make attainment of your goals more rewarding.
  • Prioritize and Document

You only have so much time and resources, so without prioritization it is a sure-fire method to ensure nothing gets done – or at least gets done well.  Documentation is mandatory since putting them in writing provides clarity and avoids ambiguity.  Documenting your goals also gives you a road map and keeps you more aware of your goals and your progress towards them, resulting in greater focus and fewer distractions.

  1. Consider which goals are most important and rank them in order.
  2. If you can’t decide go with the one you are more confident in attaining.
  3. Set deadlines in attaining these goals with milestones listed towards attainment of each goal.
  4. Share your goals with your family and close friends who will be supportive.
  5. Understand you may not completely achieve 100% of your goals just as a company rarely attains 100% of its’ goals.
  • Review, Adapt, and Revise

You should periodically review your goals to assess where you are and make adjustments as necessary.  To do this, a checklist is imperative, as each accomplishment of a milestone towards will serve as a source of satisfaction and motivation.

  1. Periodically review your checklist.
  2. Adapt to changing circumstances, do not be afraid to make revisions that make sense.
  3. Maintain a positive mindset and firm resolve, undeterred by setbacks, and continue to move forward.
  4. Do not be afraid to ask for help and seek support as needed.
  5. Maintain the self-discipline which is required and ditch the excuses.

Remember, at the end of the day, change only comes from within.  You are accountable to only you.  If you adhere to these steps above it will not be a matter of success but one of degree of success, which starts with you.

All the best,

Fred Stuvek, Jr

My Biggest…and Simplest, Productivity Tip Ever

Posted by November 29th, 2018

Being able to think clearly. See the wood for the trees. Concentrate on what really matters – these are things I hear so often from people who want to improve their productivity.

And the answer to be able to do all of these? Quite simply, Clear Your Head.  It produces amazing results, and best of all isn’t too hard to do.

Our brain is brilliant, but not totally brilliant. It’s great at holding everything we need to do, but not so good at keeping it all organised.  This means thoughts pop up in your head like toast in a toaster. So just when you are sitting down to focus on a big bit of work – pop – your brain reminds you that you need to send that email to Sarah.

Your brain thinks it’s being helpful, and you can’t blame it for trying – you had indeed not quite remembered to email Sarah, but it has also distracted you from what you had just started to focus on.

It can take over 20 minutes to refocus on a task if we are interrupted.  And your brain has just interrupted itself.  Not an ideal situation for productivity or thinking clearly. Although Sarah might get that email a little sooner now.

So, do your brain and your productivity a huge favour.  Get everything out of your head; it relaxes your brain and helps it think in a bigger, more organised and productive way.  It literally stops sweating the small stuff when it knows that you have noted it elsewhere, and so it focuses better and thinks bigger.

Here are five simple steps to get you there:

1.Choose your Medium; Whether pen and paper, an app or a spreadsheet. You need something that will allow you to write a list of everything you need or want to do.

It’s best to choose something that allows you to list tasks and sub-tasks. Be wary of procrastinating because you can’t decide what to use – in which case, just start simply with a pen and paper.

Once you have it all out of your head you might find it easier to decide how best to manage it.

2.Find An Hour; Just an hour, or maybe 90 minutes tops. This is so little time compared to the boost it will give you. Try to find an hour in a nice, settled environment.

3.DO IT! Start by writing down each area of your work life and your home life. Every area you can think of, and then below those write down the things you need to do in each, going into further sub tasks or lists when needed.

Squeeze every last thing you can think of out of your head, if you need to get new batteries for the TV remote – put it down.

Once you have everything out of your head you may be saying  “OMG, that is so much to do, help!” or  “There doesn’t seem as much there as I thought, why was I in such a panic” or somewhere in the middle. What I can guarantee is that your brain will be feeling lighter and more settled knowing that you now have a solid list of everything it has been carrying around for you, and you’ll now be able to tackle it in a more organised way.

4.Create a Simple System: Here the important word is Simple. Whether using an app or a paper to do list.

  • Keep making a note of the new things you need to do as soon as they come to you, so they are immediately taken out of your head – I have an app that syncs with my phone, desktop and ipad so wherever I am I make a note.
  • Have a little review at the end of or start of the day, so you start work each day knowing what your top priorities are.  As everything is out of your head and therefore easier to see this should now be much easier for you. Ensure you are realistic about the length of time things will take.
  • Enjoy getting things done in a more orderly way, and take note of which bits of your system are working for you which aren’t. Continually tweak how you run your system until it’s perfect for you.

Lastly, keep with it.  Do not get this far and then fail to keep up with getting things out of your head. Changing your habits can be hard. But once you are up and running it is so liberating, and gives a great feeling of being in control with a solid list at your finger tips.

Your brain will love you for it, and repay you by putting all its superb energy into thinking in a bigger, more strategic and focused way.

Good luck and let me know how you get on!

Goal Setting to End Your Year with a Flourish

Posted by September 12th, 2018

How did it get to September?! The nights are drawing in and with a plethora of blackberries and apples ready to be picked I have a cheery autumnal Sunday lunches with delicious fruit crumbles on my mind.

Crumbles aside, I find this is the time of year to take stock, a great time of year to think back but also to think forward.  We are approaching the final quarter of 2018 – so what do you need to do over the next 3 months to ensure you end the year on a high? To make sure you see 2018 go out with a bang and the pop of a champagne cork?

Follow my 5 Minute Coffee Break Goal Setting Formula to ensure you end 2018 as you would like to. Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea (or a glass of wine or beer if it is that time of day) and a clean sheet of paper, or clean sheet of ipad.  Then jot down the answers to the questions under the 5 minute prompts below:

Minute 1: What have been your successes over the first nine months of the year? Write down all the good stuff you have done – often people start their goal setting by focusing on the negative – what they haven’t achieved – let’s start with all the good stuff that you have achieved.

Minute 2: Now think about what you have not achieved but would have liked to – don’t beat yourself up about this, just use it as a realistic assessment of your progress so far in 2018.

Minute 3: Sit back and close your eyes and take yourself to New Year’s Eve 2018 – what would you have liked to have achieved by then that would really make you feel proud, delighted and generally rather chuffed with yourself.

Minute 4: Formalise that general chuffedness into 2 or 3 clear goals (Make them as SMART as you can Specific, Measureable, Relevant, Achievable and Timebased).

Minute 5: Break those goals down into smaller goals to achieve in each month October, November and December

Lastly, Minute 6, give yourself a cheeky extra minute to think about what New Year reward you will give yourself for having achieved these goals.

Now you can start to plan each week between now and Christmas with tasks that work towards your monthly goals and ultimately towards your ‘Finishing 2018 with a Flourish Goals’.

Good luck and let me know how you get on!

Want to Think Big? – Get Off Grid

Posted by May 24th, 2018

I have just come back from a wonderful, wonderful time in Morocco where I managed to clamber up Jebel Toubkal the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains.

Beautiful scenery and a physical challenge where two of my main motivators, but there was the added bonus of disappearing ‘Off Grid’ for two days.  I realised it was ages since I was truly away from the modern world AKA the internet and email.

With a big sense of freedom and wonderful open blue skies, my brain felt free and open and that led to some great big new thoughts and ideas.

So maybe you can’t head up a mountain anytime soon – but how could you get yourself Off Grid and get that sense of freedom and tranquillity to do some big and different thinking?

Where’s the place?  I would suggest it isn’t at your desk, identify somewhere you find peaceful and relaxing.  Maybe you want to be walking or doing some other physical activity, or maybe it is about being truly still and calm?

What do you need to do to truly get Off Grid? Your can’t often think big or blue at the flick of a switch, you need time to relax and you need to limit distractions, so build in a good dollop more time that you think you need.   Go ‘Off Grid’ by switching devices off – no cheating by switching to vibrate – turn them OFF…..and then KEEP them off.

What’s your brief? A free and relaxed mind still needs a bit of direction, so make sure you have some areas you want to think through or explore.  You will probably find that once the thoughts start flowing you have additional ideas in other areas too.

Need some questions to free and push your thoughts?  Here are some to get you started:

  • Where do you want to be in 3, 5 or 10 years’ time?
  • What is the one thing that could make the biggest difference for you / your business?
  • What would you / your team do if could not fail?  If money was no object? If you weren’t scared or had nothing to prove?
  • What would your most admired competitor or leader do?
  • What could make something twice as effective?
  • How can you do less and achieve more?
  • What ‘shoulds’ can you let go of?
  • What important but not urgent things are you neglecting that could really push you forward?
  • And finally keep asking yourself…..What else?

I hope that produces some good thoughts for you.  Let me know how you get on and in the meantime I’m off to plan my next mountain climb.

The Stress of being an Information Magpie

Posted by September 22nd, 2017

Are You a Magpie? Do you pick up every nugget or bit of shiny information that will help you and your business go further?

Like me, do you find that you can go over the top and gather up too much information, too many interesting articles and subscribe to too many sites?

This leads me to never manage to work through or implement everything I have collected.  The pile on my desk, and the pile sitting in my computer weigh on mind, clamouring for my attention, and often not receiving it.

So I have developed a simple way of gathering and using information; my On Off strategy.  I have a four month period when I magpie away to my heart’s content. Subscribing, downloading, collecting lots of ideas and inspiration to help my business along.  I then enter the ‘Off’ period of my strategy. I send the magpie on holiday and have four months when I don’t collect, download or subscribe.  (At times it can take some constraint to resist temptation!)

I then use the time to ingest, reflect and put to use everything I collected in the previous few months. Much better than collecting and never implementing.

Give it a go and let me know how you get on!