Georgina Walsh Business Coaching

…strategies for success

Georgina's Blog

Holidaying with a Huge Sense of Achievement

Posted by May 13th, 2014

Good old father time is doing his thing and plunging his way through 2014.

The first third of the year is over, the economy is bouncing back, and bringing with it additional business but also the dreaded……… overwhelm.

Quite a few clients I spoke to last week are panicking about their To Do lists.  They started with a clear plan for the year and a short and punchy list of priorities.

But those punchy and focused lists seem to be getting out of hand; new ideas, interruptions, unforeseen circumstances, self-doubt and fear all mean that not as much gets done. Your list gets longer and it’s hard to focus and see the wood for the trees.

I want you to hit your summer break feeling pleased with progress and profits (and I hope you’re going to have a break, whether it is faraway, close to home or even at home.  Another great friend of getting things done is having enough R&R).

So to get you there you need to ensure you’re focused and clear on your business priorities. Here is another of my 5 Minute Coffee Break Sorters:

Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea (or a glass of wine or beer if it is that time of day) and a clean sheet of paper, or clean sheet of ipad.  Then jot down the answers to the questions under the minute prompts below:

Minute 1:What have been your successes over the first 4 months of the year? Write down all the good stuff you have done – often people start things by focusing on the negative – what they haven’t achieved – let’s start at the positive end.

Minute 2: Now think about what you have not achieved but would have liked to – don’t beat yourself up about this, just use it as a realistic assessment of your progress so far in 2014.

Minute 3:Sit back and close your eyes and take yourself to that summer break – you are relaxing and basking in feelings of achievement and pride. What would you like to have achieved by then to feel like that? What do you need to do now to REALLY move your business forward and boost your bottom line?

Minute 4:Convert that boost into 2 or 3 clear priorities or goals.  Being clear on your business priorities will help you put overwhelming small stuff aside.

Minute 5: Break those priorities down into smaller goals to achieve in the following weeks.  Also, very importantly, write down what you need to say to yourself to stop self-doubt or fear getting in your way.

Lastly, give yourself a cheeky extra minute to think about what extra reward you will give yourself, when on holiday, for having achieved these goals.

Good luck and let me know how you get on!

What is Your Why?

Posted by April 11th, 2014


 “The internet is a very big room and you need to have a clear brand to be able to make any noise in it at all.” This is a phrase I heard the other day. Are you able to shout loudly and be heard in that big room?

 A clear brand is so vital for entrepreneurs to get the success they want, but it’s sometimes hard to know where to start.

 Many small businesses try to differentiate their brand and shout loudly by being clear on What they do and How they do it.  But the real secret to building a clear and successful brand is firstly understanding exactly Why the business does what it does. 

 This often starts with why YOU do what you do.  What is your Why?

 We all have different motivations and whilst you will want to earn money and have a good lifestyle, there is very likely more to your Why than that. 

So what is your Why?  You may already be clear on your why – if so, is it part of your brand story? Does it come across in your communications and enhance and differentiate your brand?  How do you take it through to your what and how?

If you’re not clear on your why – you need to be.  It is one of the key foundations of determining your brand and thereby increasing your profits.  

Your why, will be something that means a lot to you and may well relate to formative experiences in your childhood or when you were growing up.  Work through the following questions to explore your why:

  • What are you really passionate about?
  • What are your key principles?
  • What principles and key passions do you bring into your business?
  • Why did you start your business? 
  • What sort of success do you want…. and why do you want it?
  • How do you feel you make a difference / could make a difference?

Now pull your thoughts together:

  • What is your Why around your family and / or lifestyle
  • What is your Why around your business?
  • How can you bring more of your Why into your marketing messages?

Do You Believe….In Yourself?

Posted by March 20th, 2014


Do you feel super strong, buoyed up by resolve and positivity everyday?

Or, does self-doubt and a lack of confidence creep up on you all too frequently?

Business success may not be down to what your business offers, or your marketing, but what your internal thoughts and dialogues are saying to you.

Are you your own biggest champion, or your own biggest saboteur?

I know the difference between the two, as I have been both of these things.  I used to run two businesses, a consulting business and another one which brought business psychology into the home and helped people to find and importantly, manage their childcare.

For this second business, I had my Business Psychology Masters, I had the experience of successfully managing people in my own home for 10 years, I had proven marketing skills from my years in advertising and strategic marketing agencies. I had even got an agent and publisher and written a book on finding and managing childcare…………….but, you guessed it, I didn’t quite have 100% self-belief. 

I felt like I was a bit of a fraud because I hadn’t run a nanny agency, or had not worked as a nanny, or had not……well, the reasons changed, but the fact remained. So the business never soared to the heights I wanted.  Whilst on the other side of the coin, my consulting moved to include coaching and went from strength to strength.  The fundamental difference in both of these businesses was my self-belief.

These two sides of the coin lead to different cycles, one upward and one downward.  If you don’t believe in yourself, you don’t get good results and this re-enforces your thoughts. The opposite is true if you do believe in yourself.

I closed down my childcare business, and looking back took from it one of the most important business lessons you can learn.  I wish I’d had the perspective I have now and could have worked to change my beliefs.  However, I now help my clients apply this perspective every day to help them create the self-belief and positive mind-set they need for success.  Here are four simple questions to get you to explore your business mindset.

  • If there was one negative belief that you could eliminate once and for all what would it be?
  • What is this negative belief costing you?
  • Who or where would you be without it?
  • What positive belief could you replace it with that would really make a difference?

 Do you want a strong business with a strong brand and strong self-belief?  Have a look at my Positivity and Profit Course which helps you work through my tried and tested Business Breakthrough Formula.

Feeling Stupid

Posted by January 12th, 2014


So how stupid was I feeling yesterday afternoon, standing with my 9 year old daughter on the side of the motorway waiting for an AA tow truck, having put petrol in my diesel car.  Extremely!

I’ve never done it before and, as the AA man politely pointed out, I’ll never do it again.

My daughter didn’t get to gymnastics (sorry Thea!) and as I stood there shame-faced I was more angry with myself for breaking my main New Year’s resolution, not even two weeks into the year.

It was: To slow down and do less, and in doing so achieve more.

Why did I put petrol in a diesel car? Because I was running late and trying to achieve too much in too short a time.  So, I’ve taken my foolish mistake as a wake up call to stick to my resolution.  (more…)

How To Get Customers Knocking at Your Door

Posted by December 8th, 2013


 As business owners we, of course, love customers to come to us via a referral.

 As customers, we all trust word of mouth recommendations when making a purchase.

 So with these points in mind, I’m often surprised when small business owners don’t have a referral process or system to help bring keen and eager customers to their door.  To make referrals work for you, like any other part of your business you need a system (a simple one, but a system nonetheless). 

Just the briefest of reminders of why referrals are so very marvellous:

 They cut down on marketing costs

  • You get good quality leads who are often ready to buy
  • Growth feeds growth; with your ever increasing band of brand ambassadors out there singing your praises (more…)

Dare to Dream; How is your 2020 vision?

Posted by October 12th, 2013


 Now, I simply want you to lean back, relax, close your eyes and have a bit of a focused daydream.

Think about where you would like you and your business to be in 3 years’ time, or 5, or 7 – think up to 2020……….and beyond.

Drift off and get engrossed in your daydream and really think about what you will be doing, saying and feeling.  Also what will others around you and your customers be doing, saying and feeling?

See, hear and experience it in all its glory, really take time to immerse yourself in this daydream until you go from dreamy to fizzy with excitement about all the possibilities! (more…)

How positive is your mind-set?

Posted by September 1st, 2013

positive pic 

“It is your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude.” Zig Ziglar 

Were there ever truer words said?  We all know that having a positive mindset is fundamental to achieving success in both business and in life.  But do you ever find that the rollercoaster ride of running your own business occasionally knocks you off course?  Do you sometimes find those nagging doubts creeping in? Are you guilty of self sabotage? If so, read on… 

Want to know the secrets of a winning mind-set? 

You may have heard me say it before, but first and foremost you MUST have a clear vision for your business.  Why? Because having a clear vision will help you overcome obstacles when they arise, maintain you positivity and keep you on track when the going gets tough! 

Next you need to focus on the positive.!

Focus on the negative aspects of your life and guess what?  You’ll attract the negative because it’s what you’ve come to expect!  Start by setting positive intentions for yourself at the beginning of each day to help create that supportive and empowering mindset – try it for a week and see what difference it makes… (more…)

5 top tips to super-charge your productivity today!

Posted by July 28th, 2013


Feeling hair-pullingly frenzied and overwhelmed? In this increasingly fast moving, consumer driven world, people are processing information and tasks at a much greater pace than years gone by.

What does that mean for small business owners like ourselves? We need to be fast moving too! But I can’t move any faster! Help!

The answer is to be ever-more resourceful in terms of our time management, so we maximize our productivity (and our profits!). We also need to be resourceful to preserve our energy – we need to ensure we don’t burn ourselves out, as we lack the safety net a bigger organisation can provide.

As a small business coach it is my mission to give you the clarity, confidence and the strategies you need to boost your business and make it the best it can be. So this month I’m sharing with you my 5 top tips for supercharging your productivity without supercharging your exhaustion! (more…)