Holidaying with a Huge Sense of Achievement
Good old father time is doing his thing and plunging his way through 2014.
The first third of the year is over, the economy is bouncing back, and bringing with it additional business but also the dreaded……… overwhelm.
Quite a few clients I spoke to last week are panicking about their To Do lists. They started with a clear plan for the year and a short and punchy list of priorities.
But those punchy and focused lists seem to be getting out of hand; new ideas, interruptions, unforeseen circumstances, self-doubt and fear all mean that not as much gets done. Your list gets longer and it’s hard to focus and see the wood for the trees.
I want you to hit your summer break feeling pleased with progress and profits (and I hope you’re going to have a break, whether it is faraway, close to home or even at home. Another great friend of getting things done is having enough R&R).
So to get you there you need to ensure you’re focused and clear on your business priorities. Here is another of my 5 Minute Coffee Break Sorters:
Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea (or a glass of wine or beer if it is that time of day) and a clean sheet of paper, or clean sheet of ipad. Then jot down the answers to the questions under the minute prompts below:
Minute 1:What have been your successes over the first 4 months of the year? Write down all the good stuff you have done – often people start things by focusing on the negative – what they haven’t achieved – let’s start at the positive end.
Minute 2: Now think about what you have not achieved but would have liked to – don’t beat yourself up about this, just use it as a realistic assessment of your progress so far in 2014.
Minute 3:Sit back and close your eyes and take yourself to that summer break – you are relaxing and basking in feelings of achievement and pride. What would you like to have achieved by then to feel like that? What do you need to do now to REALLY move your business forward and boost your bottom line?
Minute 4:Convert that boost into 2 or 3 clear priorities or goals. Being clear on your business priorities will help you put overwhelming small stuff aside.
Minute 5: Break those priorities down into smaller goals to achieve in the following weeks. Also, very importantly, write down what you need to say to yourself to stop self-doubt or fear getting in your way.
Lastly, give yourself a cheeky extra minute to think about what extra reward you will give yourself, when on holiday, for having achieved these goals.
Good luck and let me know how you get on!