Blog > January is for Planning….February is for Action!
Do you get all fired up at the beginning of January to make the coming year a brilliant one? Lots of plans, bright ideas and enthusiasm?
Yesterday, I spoke to two people who were just like this. But everyday business and life had begun to swallow up their bumper-year plans. They were in danger of not prioritising and getting new things done. The result; a similar year to last year, good but not great, when they really wanted their year to be bigger, better and brighter. Does your January run in a similar vein?
So I helped them get their bumper-year planning finished, and they’re now ready for Action:
If you need to get ready for action and shake up your year, here are some pointers:
- Get your planning done! Be strong, be selfish and carve out the time you need.
- Get it done this week, by the end of next at the latest.
- Create your goals for the year.
- Then break those down into goals for each quarter.
- Then concentrate on a bit of micro-planning so you get some good momentum going. Break down what you want to achieve each week for the next month. Be clear and specific and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
- Then it’s time for ACTION – particularly anything new and different you want to achieve.
- Think about the resources you need.
- Include in this the mindset you need – this is crucial and will make all the difference! How do you need to think differently so you really excel this year?
- And the support you need – again, this is so important, from simple accountability to expert knowledge and guidance.
- Get this all in place as soon as you can and get going – no excuses!
Wishing you a fantastic and bumper year!